123 Dwight Road Longmeadow, MA 01106
(413)567-1031 Call during and after hours Fax(413)567-7683
115 Elm Street Enfield, CT 06082
(860)745-3336 Call during and after hours Fax(860)741-2654

                                         MEDICAL HOME

PVP has been a nationally accredited Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) since 2012 

What is a medical home?  

A patient centered medical home is a model of care that puts our patients at the forefront of care. PCMHs build better relationships between parents/care givers/patients and their clinical care team. Research shows that PCMHs improve the quality of care that patients receive along with the patient experience.

As a NCQA accredited PCMH,  PVP is committed to providing comprehensive, coordinated, safe, and high-quality care, focusing on putting patients at the center of our work.

As your child’s medical home we will provide: 

Team based Patient Care

  • Allow you/your child to select a personal clinician who will know your child & family.
  • Help improve your child’s overall well-being including your child’s  behavioral health, by learning about your child, the family, life situation and health preferences.
  • Inform you/your child about health conditions in a way that you can all understand.
  • Listen to you and work as a team so that you can make informed decisions about your child’s care.
  • Respect privacy and keep information confidential unless you give us permission or it is required by law.

Access to Care

  • Provide access to your primary physician for routine appointments, allowing for your scheduling preferences whenever possible.
  • Provide same day appointments on weekdays, weekends and some holidays in the event that your child is sick. 
  • On call physicians are available to speak with after hours for urgent needs by calling our office main numbers.
  • Provide 24 hour access to our office through our Patient Portal for NON URGENT matters  and to access health information during and after office hours.

Coordinated Care

  • Collaborate with other specialists and providers to coordinate your child’s care.
  • Notify you of test results in a timely manner by phone or by patient portal.
  • Give reminders when tests are due to prevent delays in diagnosis and treatment.

Comprehensive Care

  • Take care of short term illness, long term illness and preventative care.
  • Keep your child up to date on all vaccines and preventative studies.
  • Use current evidence based guidelines and management support.
  • Give individualized care that meets your family needs, goals and values.
  • Discuss and review care plans and provide educational resources.
  • Give information about classes, support groups, or other services that could help your family/child learn about any chronic conditions and to stay healthy.

Quality and Improvement

  • Annually identify areas that PVP can improve it’s delivery of care to our patients in all aspects of a Patient Centered Medical home.
  • Maintain our partnership with the CIN and Baycare. These organizations promote evidenced based care and monitor performance across all aspects of quality health care delivery.
  • Monitor and act on Patient Satisfaction Surveys.

As a partner in your child’s health we trust you will:

  • Understand your child’s  health conditions. Let us know if there is something that you do not understand.
  • Inform us about any health needs or concerns.
  • Keep us up to date with changes in personal, family, medical and social history.
  • Come to each visit with any updates on medications ,dietary supplements  or remedies that are being given.
  • Follow care plans that we have agreed upon, or let us know why that is not possible so we can work on changing the plan together.
  • Give medication as prescribed. 
  • Request refills for routine medications no less than 3 days in advance to ensure your child does not run out of their medication.
  • Inform us if your child has been  seen by any other provider or at any facility, or  if any tests or medications have been prescribed.
  • Ask other providers to send us reports.
  • Keep all scheduled appointments and notify us at least 24 hrs in advance if you need to cancel
  • Call us if you do not receive test results in 2 weeks
  • If possible inform us if you are going to the emergency room so we can assist in treatment.
  • Know what your insurance covers and let us know if a service is not covered.
  • Give us feedback on how we can improve our services